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Category: My Best Advice
The Beauty of Getting Paid to do YOU!
Doing the work you are meant to do is different in some important ways than just working for money. Explore some of the amazing and unexpected benefits of doing the work you love, and get motivated to create more of what you love in your life and work!
Fear Is Normal
What does it mean when you get the “wiggles” about a challenge that you’re facing? Should you go ahead with it? Here’s a clue about how fear can play a positive role in your experience.
Your Life Purpose is Not a Job Description
Putting your purpose statement in writing helps bring clarity to what you’re pursuing and serve as a powerful reminder as to why. But remember, you’re not creating a job description. Listen to an example of a powerful life purpose statement that can help you shape your own.
Five Things That Define Your Own Internal Groove
Feeling your own “internal groove” is a beautiful thing! Are you dancing to the beat of your own drum? Use these five pillars as a guide to shining the light of your best self.
Inquiries Required
You may be prepared to answer questions in an interview, but are you ready to do some of the asking? Don’t miss out on this bit of notable advice on the importance of asking your own questions.
Discover Your Own Value
Each person has his or her own special gifts. You might say that giving our gift is our life’s purpose. Are you giving your gifts? How do you know if you are? Here’s a clue to get you on the right track.
Put the Wise Adult You in Charge
Often it seems we have more than one inner voice. Learn to distinguish which voice is worthy of your attention. Use this creative tool to choose the voice that successful people choose, and put yourself on the path to success. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant to do, I’d […]
Unexpected Opportunities
There is a harmony that comes from doing your life’s work, but you have to be paying attention! Are you doing your life’s work? Do you recognize the gifts the universe is trying to give you? Here is a helpful hint! If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant to do, […]