Career Advice AUDIO / For Legacy Entrepreneurs

In Your Face

In Your Face

Are you ready for substantial growth in your business? Keeping your goals in your thoughts every day will make it happen. Here is an effective way to do just that, and watch your business expand.


If you are a legacy entrepreneur, you are the one in charge of growing your company. It can be scary or challenging at times, but the energy you put into it is well worth the financial freedom you will gain.

Effective goal setting and achievement are paramount in the growth and success of any business venture.

There is a specific formula I recommend to my clients for setting realistic and achievable goals. But setting those goals is only the first step.

The key is to keep the goals you have set for yourself and your company at the top of your mind.

This may seem like a simple task. But any serious legacy entrepreneur knows how quickly a workday can take you in a million different directions.

It’s easy to get side tracked on projects that are not part of the current goals you are trying to accomplish.

I advise my clients to set goals in three categories:

  1.    Financial Goal
  2.    Marketing Goal
  3.    Inner Work Goal

Ideally, each of these three goals will be met within 30 days.

Once you have established three specific, realistic 30-day goals, the task, of course, is to achieve them.

Here’s where the work comes in to keep yourself on track and mindful of the goals you have set.

In order to accomplish your goals, it is necessary to stay focused on tasks that propel you toward the intended outcome.

This requires not getting distracted by unrelated projects or activities.

The tasks you do throughout your workday should be solely goal-related.

A simple way to stay focused on your goals is to post reminders for yourself.

Some good places to post your goals are:

  •     On a task/bulletin board in your office
  •     On your refrigerator
  •     On your bathroom mirror
  •     In your car
  •     On your nightstand

Post your goals anywhere and everywhere they will regularly remind you of where to focus your energy, and get down to the business of growing your business.



If you are a legacy entrepreneur, in title, in the works, or in your dreams, I would love to help you navigate the growth of your business (and your life satisfaction) to higher and higher levels of success! I’d like to invite you for a F.R.E.E. Passion Business Power Session with me so you can have your first breakthrough. Book a time to chat with me here.