FROM: Ignite Your Life with Leanne Blaney
I’ve been hearing the word “stuck” from an awful lot of people lately, as many feel we are now “stuck at home” as a consequence of the coronavirus. I can tell you that “stuck” in not an environment or a location, but a mindset.
Prior to this unusual chapter in our lives, how many times have you heard someone say,
“If only I could stop the world for a week or two so I could…catch-up, sleep, get a certain project done, organize my house…,”
among many other ideas? I’ve said it. Have you?
So now’s our chance. You have been granted your wish!
What do you want to get out of our quarantine period?
What have you been focused on so far?
Maybe it’s to recover from the exhaustion you were experiencing just a few short weeks ago. Perhaps by now it feels like you’ve recovered?
Maybe you’ve entered a new phase of boredom or aimlessness or frustration over not having a packed schedule to dictate your every move? Really pause and consider that.
I invite you to remind yourself of all those things you once imagined you would do if you could just stop the world and find the time.
What can you set as an intention for this break from “normal life?”
Do you want to make a difference for others in a new way?
Organize something long overdue?
Take on a project with your kids?
Learn a new skill?
Improve your personal relationships or reconnect with someone you’ve been out of touch with?
Explore questions related to your mission and purpose?
Update your resume and craft a new template for a cover letter direction?
Start writing that book you know you have in your head?
Start that business plan you’ve been dreaming about!
This is potentially a very fruitful time if you are fortunate enough to be safe and well.
That makes us among the lucky ones.
Use technology for good, rather than a means to increase your anxiety. Find a class, a group, an app, an organization, a website, a podcast… that facilitates the process of achieving your intention. It could be as simple as exploring a new style of music you haven’t listened to before.
Brainstorm a list of ideas. Look for the things you said you’d do “someday.” And you already know “someday” is not the month after December. It’s now!
And let me be clear.
You don’t HAVE to do more “doing,” so you might also consider intentionally shifting your inner world.
Maybe it’s about focusing on a habit, an emotional pattern or a mindset. Consider optimizing sleep or slowing down your overthinking (aka brain-banging). What about more relaxation in your body? Maybe it’s the intention to recover from the pace you’ve been running at, prior to the quarantine.
Distill your intention down to one word. In one word, what would you personally like to create in your life in this unique chapter?
Take yourself out of the “stuck” mindset, into the mindset of opportunity, and make a plan for bringing your intention to life.
Luckily, in today’s digitally connected world, we can take steps to accomplish almost anything online and have an abundance of resources at our fingertips so just get started with one step. It’s ok if it’s tiny.
Start now to create YOUR intention, whatever inspires you the most.
You may just like it so much, you’ll want to take it into your post-quarantine life.
I wish you amazing new discoveries and share many blessings, courage and healing hugs for those who may be hurting. My ear is always available.
If you have specific work challenges in this unusual time, questions about options for navigating something you’ve not encountered before or simply need a shoulder for some extra support, I am here for you so please consider booking a private phone consultation. And yes, this is on me to support your ease and good health.
Also, if you haven’t already, please follow me on Facebook @BarbBachGarrison and @InternalGroove plus Instagram @internalgroove where I’m posting different types of daily support, uplifting content and suggestions to help you during this time.