If you are with someone who just doesn’t like -or even hates- their job, you probably feel compelled to help. Here’s what Barb says to do about that!
When you love someone and they are unhappy it’s natural to want to help. This is especially true when your partner does not enjoy their job, because job satisfaction is a big part of life satisfaction.
But there are some pitfalls to trying to help your partner like their job. You don’t want to seem pushy or as if you are trying to force them to make a change. Trying to manipulate or control the outcome of the situation will only make them (and you) more miserable. Motivation to change has to come from their experience, and only they can decide when it’s the right time to make a move.
There are some key things you can do that don’t involve trying to persuade or convince. For starters, understand how important the support and encouragement of a loved one is when we are unhappy in some aspect of our lives. That’s one of the most helpful things you can do. Just make them feel loved, valued and appreciated at home.
Valuable support can also come in the form of a sympathetic ear when your partner is having a particularly challenging experience in their job. Ask open ended questions when they are receptive that help them get clear on what kind of work they would enjoy. Maybe there are things they actually like about their job. By asking questions that help them get clear on what they like and don’t like about their current job, you can help them start to form a picture of the job they WOULD like to be doing.
But the best way to encourage your partner is to focus on your own life and job satisfaction. You can be a model of how to make choices that reflect YOUR values. By valuing yourself and choosing work that allows you to utilize your gifts and talents, you help them to see that there is another way.
Is your work situation uncertain or frustrating you? Are you without a job or wisely thinking a current furlough may be just the hidden gift to start exploring work you’re truly meant to do? Do you hate your job, but have no idea what to do instead? Attempting to navigate those waters without support is not fun (yes, I do know, but that’s another story). I’m excited to announce that I’ve created The Job I Love Toolkit, with all the resources you’ll need to finally clarify how to get paid to do you.TM To be the first to hear more details, join the VIP Wait List.
And if you know a friend or neighbor who could use hearing the advice in this article or needs The Job I Love Toolkit, please forward this to them.