Career Advice AUDIO / For Legacy Entrepreneurs

Role Call

Role Call

Do you feel resentful over not being able to enjoy your home and family life due to the demands of your work? If so, I invite you to explore a new perspective that will have you feeling empowered rather than helpless.


Being a legacy entrepreneur is a rewarding, albeit demanding, career path. It sometimes requires you to work when there are other things you would prefer to be doing.

I would venture a guess that one of the reasons you chose to be an entrepreneur is so you could have more time freedom. You may have also been attracted to the prospect of being the ultimate decision maker for your company.

Even if you aren’t an entrepreneur, I’m here to remind you that you always have a choice!

And you are in charge of the choices you make.

When you blame your work because you aren’t able to do something you want to do, you are relinquishing control of your own choices. This puts you in the victim role.

Another way of looking at a situation like this, for example, is that you are choosing to work while your family spends the day at the beach because there is an important deadline you have to meet. After all, you chose when you were going to prepare for meeting this important deadline.

Could you have planned differently or prioritized where you put your time and energy leading up to this milestone? What can you learn from this situation?

You may also have the choice to schedule a day the following week where you can go to the beach with your family.

If you find yourself blaming external circumstances for your limitations, I recommend paying close attention to your inner dialogue.

When you blame your circumstances on something outside yourself, you are not taking responsibility. And you can’t improve something until you can fully own your actions, thoughts and behavior.

Keep in mind that responsibility is not the same as fault.

This is not about blame.

In fact, it’s important not to judge yourself.

Make a commitment to yourself  to simply observe yourself objectively and gently, remain present, and remind yourself that you are making a choice.

This will move you beyond the victim role and into a mindset of self-empowerment!



Is your work situation uncertain or frustrating you? Are you without a job or wisely thinking a current furlough may be just the hidden gift to start exploring work you’re truly meant to do? Do you hate your job, but have no idea what to do instead? Attempting to navigate those waters without support is not fun (yes, I do know, but that’s another story). I’m excited to announce that I’ve created The Job I Love Toolkit, with all the resources you’ll need to finally clarify how to get paid to do you.TM To be the first to hear more details, join the join the VIP Wait List.

And if you know a friend or neighbor who could use hearing the advice in this article or needs The Job I Love Toolkit, please forward this to them.