Make a Commitment to Honor Yourself No Matter What

Sidestep the Brain and Find Your Answers

Sidestep the Brain and Find Your Answers

Given the pressures that most of us face in our day-to-day lives, it’s no wonder we often feel we have lost connection with our inner wisdom. Actually, this wisdom never leaves us. This nugget offers a shrewd tool for dodging an over-active mind and re-connecting to this wellspring of inner truth. If you’ve ever wondered […]

When things look askew ask yourself how can I shift the lens I am looking through in this situation

Keys to Client Prospects Saying Yes

Keys to Client Prospects Saying Yes

Here is another great tip on what to say (and when not to say anything) when you’re dealing with potential client objections in trying to close that sale. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant to do, I’d like to invite you for a F.R.E.E. Passion Business Power Session with […]

The What And How Of Satisfying Work

The “What” and “How” of Satisfying Work

If you are unsatisfied with the work you do, use these two simple questions to initiate an illuminating dialogue with yourself. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant to do, I’d like to invite you for a F.R.E.E. Career Strategy Consult with me so you can have your first breakthrough. […]

Don't Say Yes When You Really Mean No


Don’t Box Yourself In!

Here’s an important reminder to avoid one of the most common pitfalls of professionals in today’s incorporated world. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant to do, I’d like to invite you for a F.R.E.E. Career Strategy Consult with me so you can have your first breakthrough. Book a time […]

Get people excited to say yes to you. Focus your pitch on the outcome not the process.

Bold Goals

Holy Crap, That’s a Bold Goal!

Have you ever had an idea or set a goal for your business or career and then thought to yourself, “Holy Crap! Can I really do that?!” Think about setting Bold Goals to generate excitement about taking action. Let me show you how… If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the work you’re truly meant […]