No Good Comes From Comparing Yourself to Others

There is Always a Way

Dancing in the Moment

Dancing in the Moment

Are you someone who gets fixated on one possible outcome when you find yourself in a challenging circumstance? If so, you’re sure to glean some refreshing wisdom from this quick bit of advice. Learn how to let go of rigid expectations so you can be open to new solutions you may not have imagined before.

Are Ya Sure

Say No to the Spin

If you’re spinning your wheels and going nowhere, or spinning your mind and going crazy, there is a simple, easy, tiny, magic word you can use to stop the madness… Here’s how.

Driven by curiosity, gently observing yourself can be one of your greatest learning tools

Observing Ourselves

We ALL have an opportunity to learn and listen more, use our voices and take intentional action.

To-do: Be good to YOU!

To do: Be good to YOU!

Ever experience mental anguish over not getting to important tasks on your to do list? Gain some insight into one golden list item you may be missing.

That’s an Idea

That’s an Idea

We live in a culture where we sometimes feel inadequate simply because we don’t have all the answers. Here’s a valuable reminder that it’s okay, and how to respond (to yourself and others) when asked a question you may not have the answer for.