Does your career strategy include having fun? It should and here’s why.
Tag: living your life purpose
Questions to Ask Yourself to Start Living In Your Purpose
What’s your life purpose? If you want to start living in your purpose, there are some key questions to ask yourself. In this audio clip, I’ll demystify the process of discovering your life purpose.
Is It Time for a Life Values Inventory?
Have you ever done a life values inventory? It’s one way to evaluate whether it makes sense to adjust your daily operations. Listen to this audio clip and see if you need to change things up.
The Email Block
Diving right into email and work tasks first thing in the morning is not the ideal way to start your day. Get some insight into what is more conducive to your daily experience of flow, fulfillment and productivity.
Fierce Self Love
Do you have fierce self love? Do you know what that is? If not, take a listen here and learn how you can start to practice it in your life.
Purposeful Priorities
Are your days structured in such a way that tasks related to your life purpose get accomplished? If not, take a moment to catch this quick reminder and bit of advice about making your truth a priority!
Someday is Now
Do you put off things that bring you the most joy and satisfaction until after you finish more “pressing” issues? If so, you may want to listen to this short audio clip and get a reminder of how important it is to start moving these things closer to the top of your list.
What Would You Do?
Do you feel a deep desire to make a difference in the world? To be filled with a sense of purpose? If you feel you are missing the passion or purpose in your life, you’ll find some clues here about how to discover the things that bring real satisfaction to your soul.
The Inner Work of Entrepreneurship | Visionary Womenpreneurs Radio Podcast with Donna Lynn Price
Are you a burned out business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur? If so, have a listen to my talk with Donna Lynn Price from the Visionary Womenpreneurs Radio Podcast about how personal growth influences professional success. You’ll learn how to assess the strength of your “entrepreneurial bone” and some of the most effective ways you can tap into that strength in order to succeed as a business owner.