Saying yes to a client or a business project simply because it presents itself is not always ideal. Learn why and when choosing not to accept new business can be correct and profitable.
The path to financial freedom offers many rewards, beginning with your very first money breakthrough.
The path to financial freedom also presents some challenges. This is why it is important to establish healthy and effective habits, patterns and practices in the beginning of your journey.
One challenge you may be faced with is saying no to prospective clients or customers.
My best advice is to choose your clients carefully.
The clients who work with you should be a good fit.
Your ideal client could be subject to several different factors, including:
- Location (yours and theirs).
- Chemistry between you and them.
- Investment required.
- Your style.
- What you do and don’t offer.
- A plethora of other possibilities, depending on what you do.
It may be tempting to accept a less-than-ideal client, especially if you are feeling the need.
So, be careful not to say or feel that you “have to“ do something that isn’t ideal or makes you uncomfortable.
You always have a choice.
Don’t make decisions out of desperation or fear.
Instead, trust that there is someone else out there who is a better fit for you.
When you decline to work with someone who is not ideal for you, you not only leave a place open for someone more ideal.
You also give that person a chance to find someone who is a better fit for them.
So everyone wins!
I know when I have an ideal client in front of me. If you have been in your position long enough, you know as well.
When you encounter someone you know is not a good fit, resist the temptation to accept, even if you feel you need the business or the money.
By saying no, you are telling the universe what doesn’t fit for you. So stand by. The right person will show up!