Career Advice AUDIO / Reinventing Myself

The Celebration Formula For True Power

The Celebration Formula For True Power

Do you feel exhausted from trying to please everyone but yourself? Developing a celebration habit is the formula for true power, and the ticket to balanced energy.

How to build self confidence by implementing empowerment strategies is a big part of my coaching strategy.

A key facet of the formula for real power is self empowerment.

That means being kind to yourself.

It also means acknowledging when you have something to be proud of and celebrating it.

This is not about ego.

It’s about quietly acknowledging within yourself the things you do over the course of the day that you feel good about.

This includes how you are as much as what you do.

So it doesn’t just have to be about actions.

For instance, say you have an appointment you are feeling nervous about, but you leave all your expectations at the door and walk into it with an open mind. It doesn’t even matter how the meeting went in the end.

It’s about how you made a conscious choice to bring a balanced, calm energy to it.

You can apply this self-empowerment strategy to your personal and your professional life.

Anything you are proud of yourself for counts.

Anything that feels good to you counts.

And anything you are grateful for counts.

All of these are cause for celebration!

As you evolve this mindset, continue to remind yourself that there is no way to get it wrong.

You are practicing this strategy so YOU can celebrate YOU.

It’s not about what others expect from you.

Chances are, you are holding yourself to a higher standard than anyone else is.

This can be unhealthy when you abandon your own needs to gain the approval of others— not to mention it’s absolutely exhausting!

Trying to be someone you think others want you to be, and not acknowledging the things you do that bring YOU satisfaction takes tons of energy.

Making a conscious effort to feel proud and acknowledge the ways in which you show up for yourself is a great way to evolve a positive habit of being kind to yourself.

So go ahead! Celebrate YOU. Every day.



Is your work situation frustrating you? Do you hate your job, but have no idea what to do instead? Attempting to navigate those waters without support is not fun (yes, I do know, but that’s another story). I’m excited to announce that I’ve created The Job I Love Toolkit, with all the resources you’ll need to finally clarify how to get paid to do you.TM To be the first to hear more details, join the VIP Wait List.

And if you know a friend or neighbor who could use hearing the advice in this article or needs The Job I Love Toolkit, please forward this to them.