The Real F Words: Failure and Fault when you use them against yourself

The Social Media Chemicals

The Social Media Chemicals

Ever fall into a Facebook hole? Get some keen insight into the real reason why social media can be so enticing and addictive.

Fear, Money and the Voice in Your Head | Advance Your Art Podcast with Yuri Cataldo

Fear, Money and the Voice in Your Head | Advance Your Art Podcast with Yuri Cataldo

Tired of feeling drained rather than energized from the work you do? I have known that feeling having been there. Years ago, I walked away from a career that offered a handsome salary and many perks, but little to stimulate my soul. Soon I discovered my purpose was to help others do the same. If you’re ready to live a life of purpose and bring your career with you, you’ll find some key points to get you moving in that direction in this podcast chat on Advance Your Art with Yuri Cataldo.

Growing Personally to Thrive Professionally | Sales POP Podcast with John Golden

Growing Personally to Thrive Professionally | Sales POP Podcast with John Golden

Have you seemingly reached a plateau in your job or business? Do you feel held back by your boss, your co-workers or even your family? In the Sales POP podcast with John Golden, I discuss some unexpected ways of dealing with challenging people or circumstances that can help you start transforming frustration to fulfillment.

Look Right

Look Right

Do you get bogged down in negative thinking and noticing all the things you wish you could change in the world? If so, I would love to help you start developing a new perspective. So much can change with just a simple shift in the things you notice. Here’s a quick reminder to help you get started thinking and feeling more positive.

Are Ya Sure

Say No to the Spin

If you’re spinning your wheels and going nowhere, or spinning your mind and going crazy, there is a simple, easy, tiny, magic word you can use to stop the madness… Here’s how.

Driven by curiosity, gently observing yourself can be one of your greatest learning tools

Observing Ourselves

We ALL have an opportunity to learn and listen more, use our voices and take intentional action.

Wait A Minute

Wait a Minute!

Do you find a million things to do instead of what you really need to do? Here’s a provocative angle on the psychology of procrastination.