Keep your knees bent

Keep Your Knees Bent

Do you ever have days where you easily move through whatever comes your way and smoothly handle, process and manage it all with grace and style? Wouldn’t it be a gift if all our days and weeks could be like that? Well, here’s a way to surf through the ups and downs of life in your own environment and workplace (plus our bigger community too) with more ease.

A New Chapter

A New Chapter

How do you cope when the universe decides to throw you a curveball? If you’ve lived long enough, you have certainly had to deal with some unexpected, uncomfortable, and even frightening circumstances that somehow turned out to be a blessing in the end. For those of you who could use some inspiration right about now, here are some encouraging words about finding opportunity within a challenging situation.

Wait A Minute

Wait a Minute!

Do you find a million things to do instead of what you really need to do? Here’s a provocative angle on the psychology of procrastination.

Something To Celebrate

Something To Celebrate

These are strange, uncertain times for sure. I know many of us are feeling unsettled. What I would like to remind you of here are some positive focal points. It is possible to find joy and appreciation, even now!

To-do: Be good to YOU!

To do: Be good to YOU!

Ever experience mental anguish over not getting to important tasks on your to do list? Gain some insight into one golden list item you may be missing.

Juice Up Your Energy

Juice Up Your Energy

Do you often feel like you’re running out of juice? Thinking of energy like a bank account can be helpful for balancing your life and career. Let me offer some suggestions for keeping your energy bank account in the black.

The S Word - Stop Shoulding on Yourself

The “S” word…

If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, chances are you are perpetuating the feeling with your language. Being aware of this one simple word (and why not to use it) can help get you unstuck and moving in the right direction.

Self-Management and standing in your personal power help you avoid the pitfalls of your mind

Don’t Panic!

There are lots of reasons why fear and panic can wreak havoc on our productivity, not to mention our health. Tune in to this nugget for some compelling reasons to avoid this pitfall of the mind.