Driven by curiosity, gently observing yourself can be one of your greatest learning tools

No one is a mind reader. Clearly communicate your needs.

Answering the Question What Do You Do?

Answering the Question “What Do You Do?”

If you’re an entrepreneur (or even a budding one), when you’re networking and someone asks you what you do, do you stumble over what to say or does it come out sounding boring? Here is the most critical key to answering that question in a way that engages someone in a deeper dialogue.

Be Fair to Yourself and Your Client

Be Fair to Yourself and to Your Client

What is “fair” when negotiating with a client? Use the information contained in this nugget to examine your definition of fair, and make sure your negotiations are fair to both you and your client.

Step Out of Scarcity

When money is tight and times are hard, how do you deal? Here’s one way to step out of the mindset of scarcity and celebrate abundance.

Trust Your Own Value

Trust Your Own Value

One of the most important aspects of running a successful business and breaking through your money barriers is acting from a place of courage, which can certainly be a challenge when you’re feeling discouraged. Use this simple reminder to help you keep the faith.

Shake it the Right Way

Shake It the Right Way

A handshake is a simple way to communicate something about who you are. Keep these handy tips in mind when you are networking, interviewing, or simply meeting a new person.

What Is The Problem

“What” Is The Problem

Getting to the root of an issue you are trying to bring to resolution can be a daunting process. If you are trying to make changes in your life or career, or simply be your best self, “What,” may not be the question you need to be asking.

Keep it Real!

Keep it Real!

Always do your best, right? Here is an insightful elaboration on this well-known adage.